3000 meter April
On Monday night I determined that I would try to finish the whole “A” level swim workout in the alotted 1 hour time in the pool. Unfortunately my leg locked up on me. I also was too slow, but it...
View ArticleFlorida Half Ironman, part one!
Well I finished my Half Ironman race in Orlando, FL last weekend. It was pretty cool. It made me want to race a lot more, though. My friend Julie and I left Atlanta Saturday morning, May 16th 2009 at...
View ArticleFlorida Half Ironman part 2, the race!
As per usual on race day, I woke up about once an hour and checked the clock. I guess I probably slept in these in between times but it didn’t feel like it. Finally it was almost time to get up, so I...
View ArticleDown Time
I have felt so run down since my race and it’s been a month. I’m not sure what hte deal is but I have been utterly without energy since it went down and it’s starting to bother me. I think it’s my...
View ArticleSummer
So, as should be obvious, I haven’t felt like doing a damned thing since I finished my Half ironman. I didnt feel like running, swimming, or biking at all. I fought through it and did my workouts...
View ArticleIronman send off
One week till race day. I ate dinner last night with my triathlon buddies, and as per usual I was reminded of how much more seriously they take their racing than I do. I am sort of like the racing...
View ArticleIronman Louisville 2009: Getting there
It had to be raining. Not just a dribble or a mist, but full-on downpour, and my bike would be up on the roof rack getting pounded with rain for the entire 8-hour drive to Louisville. Not only that, I...
View ArticleIronman Louisville 2009: the swim
The day of the race started very, very early, around 4:30AM. I usually sort of guess when I need to be ready to do things like wake up and then figure out the details later on. This greatly annoyed...
View ArticleIronman Louisville 2009: The bike.
The start of the bike leg found me riding down a chute with people cheering and yelling on either side. It is a pretty amazing feeling. Add to that the plethora of volunteers constantly asking you what...
View ArticleIronman Louisville 2009: the run
Shoes on, shorts on, obnoxiously yellow Preachtree Tri Club visor on, I ran out of transition. I had been in motion for eight and a half hours at this point and I was ready to put this thing to bed. I...
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